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Come Jesus Hoodie

Come Jesus Hoodie

Regular price $36.00 USD
Regular price $60.00 USD Sale price $36.00 USD
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Our Come Jesus hoodie was inspired by the prophecy of His return. The backside has the coordinates of the Eastgate of Jerusalem. It is prophesied Jesus’s second coming will be on the east side of Mount Olivet where He ascended (Acts 1:11). The Islamic leaders attempted to keep out the Jewish Messiah from entering Jerusalem by walling the entrance of the east gate with bricks. In addition they built a cemetery in front of it to prevent the Messiah from entering, due to Jewish customs he would be considered ceremonially unclean. But there is no power in hell that will stop our King Jesus from coming to rule and reign. John finishes the book of revelation by saying “Come Lord Jesus'' (Revelation 22:20). And just like John, we are eagerly awaiting the coming of the Lord.

And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east (Zechariah 14:4).
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